Evaluation of safety of hydraulic structures as part of the ecological monitoring of streams (for example, the Osetr river in the Moscow region) environmental aspects

Document Type : Original Article


Department of Soil Science, Ecology and Natural Resources, State University of Land Use Planning, Moscow, Russia


The article summarizes the results of a comprehensive environmental assessment of the Osetr river basin in 2018 based on the results of engineering and environmental surveys obtained in the framework of environmental monitoring. The current state of the dam on the Osetr river in Zaraisky district is assessed, the forecast of possible changes in the environment under the influence of anthropogenic load is presented in order to prevent, minimize or eliminate harmful and undesirable environmental and related social, economic and other consequences and preserve optimal living conditions of the population. The analysis of the current state of the problem has shown that the safety of small waterworks is reduced due to the receipt of unreliable initial data for the assessment of the environmental situation at the site, which leads to serious violations of the rules of operation, damage to dams and reservoirs and as a result has a significant impact on the environment with subsequent positive or negative effects.
